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out of sight, seen
Final exhibition of the Bank Austria Studios
15.05.2024 - 30.06.2024

"out of sight, seen" moves in the field of tension between security and visualisation, closure and exclusion. Experimenting with these ambivalences, the artistic positions on display refer not only to the site-specific inscriptions of the bank building's former vault, but also to the activity of exhibiting itself.
How can a space of historical closure be made accessible through artistic appropriation? What does the change from protective storage to (semi-) public presentation mean? These questions are examined from cultural-historical, economic, psychological and social perspectives. In addition, the flip side of preservation will be discussed: losing, disregarding and denying. For not all goods and ideas of cultural production are stored and cared for equally. Some are lost - perhaps intentionally by their authors. The exhibition brings together nine young artists and a curatorial collective whose practice was supported by Bank Austria for two years. The works of S()fia Braga, Karolin Braegger, Sarah Fripon, Jojo Gronostay, Camille Holowka, Katharina Hölzl, Bianca Phos, Sarah Rinderer and Julia Zastava resonate with central aspects of storage: value, memory, accessibility and security.
Opening on Tuesday 14 May 2024
Book presentation on Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 6.30 p.m.
Please note that the exhibition will remain closed from June 3rd to June 13th due to renovation.
out of sight, seen Abschlussausstellung der Bank Austria Studios
15.05.2024 - 30.06.2024 Videopodcast zur Ausstellung
curated by
Bettina M. Busse
Contemporary Matters
Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller
26/02/2025 - 30/03/2025